UN report concludes that Bolsonaro attacked democracy and reduced social participation throughout his term

The document presented on Wednesday explicitly accuses the former president of having attacked Brazilian institutions and democracy

(Foto: Reuters)

247 - The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Clément Nyaletsossi Voule, presented a report on Wednesday (28) to the UN Human Rights Council accusing Jair Bolsonaro (PL) of contesting elections without providing evidence, attacking democratic institutions, expressing support for the military regime in Brazil from 1964 to 1985, and reducing the space for civil society. According to journalist Jamil Chade from UOL, "for the first time explicitly, the document accuses the former president of attacking Brazilian democracy."

The session took place just before the conclusion of the trial at the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) regarding the possible ineligibility of Bolsonaro. The report does not imply any form of international sanctions against Bolsonaro, but it increases international pressure and embarrassment for the former president. The document can also serve as a basis for decisions and arguments in the country's judiciary.

Voule came to Brazil in the first semester of 2022, conducting visits to different cities. In the report, he acknowledges the crisis in the country and highlights the attacks against civil society. "I am deeply concerned about the high level of violence against human rights defenders, women, LGBTQI+ communities, quilombola communities, Afro-Brazilian and indigenous peoples and leaders," said Voule, according to the report. "I urged the government to ensure that these groups can safely exercise their rights to peaceful assembly and association, without fear of persecution or any form of discrimination," he added.

To reduce police violence, the rapporteur recommends that the Brazilian government develop a unified protocol for security agents, in order to facilitate the conduct of peaceful protests in accordance with international standards. Additionally, he highlights the importance of rebuilding trust in civil society by creating a conducive and supportive environment, ensuring adequate access to justice, and ensuring accountability for abuses suffered by activists and protesters.

In the document presented to governments worldwide, Voule praised the measures taken by the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) to strengthen democracy, such as openness to dialogue and broad social participation. However, in the report, he accuses Bolsonaro of dismantling this framework in policy-making, attacking democratic institutions, questioning elections, promoting military influence in state agencies, appointing military officers to prominent government positions, and expressing ambivalence towards democratic values.

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