Public Prosecutor's Office asks for revocation of Jovem Pan broadcasting concession

The MPF demands that Jovem Pan be condemned to pay R$ 13.4 million as compensation for collective moral damages

Jovem Pan
Jovem Pan (Foto: Divulgação)

247 - The Federal Public Ministry (MPF) filed a civil lawsuit requesting the cancellation of three broadcasting licenses granted to Jovem Pan. The action is based on the broadcaster's alignment with the campaign of misinformation that spread throughout the country from 2022 until early this year, systematically airing content that undermined the democratic regime. The MPF emphasizes that Jovem Pan's conduct directly violated the Constitution and legislation regarding the public service of radio and TV broadcasting.

In addition to revoking the radio licenses, the MPF demands that Jovem Pan be condemned to pay R$ 13.4 million as compensation for collective moral damages. This amount corresponds to 10% of the broadcaster's assets, as presented in their latest financial statement. To address the harm caused by the programming to society, the Federal Public Ministry also seeks a court order requiring Jovem Pan to broadcast official information about the reliability of the electoral process at least 15 times a day, between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m., for four months. These insertions should last between two to three minutes and include data provided by the Union, which is also a defendant in the lawsuit.

Jovem Pan repeatedly disseminated content that baselessly discredited the 2022 electoral process, attacked authorities and institutions of the Republic, incited disobedience to laws and judicial decisions, advocated for military intervention over constituted civilian powers, and encouraged the population to subvert the political and social order. 

The broadcaster's radio licenses are currently operational in São Paulo and Brasília, but the network has over a hundred affiliates that rebroadcast their signal to hundreds of municipalities in 19 states, reaching millions of listeners.

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