Minister of Lula says that "everyone has their interpretation of democracy", but that Venezuela "is not democratic"

The minister agreed with President Lula but diverged regarding Venezuela: "it is a government that does not respect fundamental rights"

Ministra do Planejamento, Simone Tebet, em Brasília05/01/2023
Ministra do Planejamento, Simone Tebet, em Brasília05/01/2023 (Foto: REUTERS/Adriano Machado)

247 - Minister of Planning and Budget, Simone Tebet (MDB), commented on President Lula's (PT) statement, which caused a stir regarding democracy: "democracy is a relative concept," stated the president in an interview with Rádio Gaúcha.

When asked by GloboNews, Tebet said she agreed with Lula's statement and the president's view on democracy. "Everyone has their interpretation of democracy. The important thing is that President Lula and I understand democracy in the same way. I don't know in what context the president meant it, but by walking not only in the second round and now having the honor of being by the president's side as Minister of Planning and Budget, having, in fact, all the freedom in this broad front of support for the government - it's not a PT government, but it is a broad front government for democracy - and knowing not only President Lula's history but also what he demands from his ministers today, I can guarantee that President Lula and I have the same concept of democracy. Democracy is a fundamental, absolute, irrevocable right of the Brazilian people, and that is what matters. Democracy is the right to come and go, the right to go to the polls and vote, the right of the Brazilian people to express themselves, and obviously, there are few limitations in a democracy. The only, and basically the most important one, is that no one can attack democracy and get away with it. So, it is a matter of the president expressing himself, and obviously, he will explain later in the context what he meant."

However, when asked about the situation in Venezuela, the minister considered that the neighboring country is not a democracy. "I have a particular view on the government of Venezuela, which is a government that does not respect fundamental rights, the rights of freedom of expression, the citizens' right to come and go, to make their criticisms - even constructive ones - of the government. And for me, when you have a government that prevents this kind of right, which is provided and absolute in a democracy, you do not have a democratic government."

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