Lula: With popular support, 'they will never again carry out a coup like they did against Dilma or attempted on January 8th'

"We are entering a new era in the country. And now we are coming back more experienced, better prepared, more mature, more responsible," declared the president

(Foto: REUTERS/Adriano Machado)

247 - President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) stated on Wednesday (28) that popular support is crucial and that, with it, coups d'état like the one that led to the removal of President Dilma Rousseff in 2016 can be avoided. He also cited as an example the attempted coup on January 8th, when Bolsonarist and far-right militants invaded and vandalized the headquarters of the Three Powers in Brasília.

"We are entering a new era in the country. We are reclaiming something that should never have ended but did. And now we are coming back, more experienced, better prepared, more mature, more responsible, and with much more obligations to Brazilian society because we now have to do more and do better. And we need to do more with your participation because if you actively participate, no one will ever dare to attempt a coup like the one carried out against our comrade Dilma Rousseff, or try to do what they did on January 8th, attempting to invade the Constitutional Powers," said Lula during the ceremony for the launch of the Family Agriculture Safra Plan 2023/2024.

Without mentioning names, Lula criticized the armamentist policy of the Jair Bolsonaro government (PL). "Unlike other presidents, I'm not telling you to buy guns. Because they said to buy guns to defend democracy. In reality, what I want is for you to produce as much food as you can, of the highest quality, because the greatest weapon we need in this country is a population with full bellies, with no children going hungry," he emphasized.

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