"Lula saved democracy," says Vice President of Brazil

Geraldo Alckmin states that the priority now is to resume economic growth

Geraldo Alckmin e Lula
Geraldo Alckmin e Lula (Foto: Ricardo Stuckert)

247 - Vice President Geraldo Alckmin gave an interview to the newspaper Público in Lisbon after participating in a legal event organized by IDP, led by Minister Gilmar Mendes of the Federal Supreme Court. In the interview, Alckmin states that President Lula "saved democracy" and emphasizes that the priority now is to grow the economy sustainably.

The Vice President also added that "Brazil has no quarrel with anyone," reinforcing the country's neutral position on the international stage. In his conversation with journalist João Ruela Ribeiro, he expressed his commitment to present Brazil as "the rising star," in other words, the country of the moment.

In the first six months of Lula's government, the Brazilian currency appreciated by almost 10% against the dollar, and several investments have been announced, such as the factories of BYD, an electric car company, in Bahia, and Shein, a clothing company, in Rio Grande do Norte.

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