Lula sanctions law providing equal pay for men and women

"Business owners who fail to comply will have to face Brazilian legislation", said Lula

Ilhéus (BA), 03.07.2023 - Presidente da República, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, durante cerimônia de início das obras do Lote 1F do Trecho 1 da Ferrovia de Integração Oeste-Leste (FIOL).
Ilhéus (BA), 03.07.2023 - Presidente da República, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, durante cerimônia de início das obras do Lote 1F do Trecho 1 da Ferrovia de Integração Oeste-Leste (FIOL). (Foto: Ricardo Stuckert/PR)

247 – On Monday (3), President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) approved a law that ensures equal pay for men and women in the same position. The President also sanctioned two other laws. One includes moral harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination in the list of ethical-disciplinary offenses of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), which may suspend the professional practice of lawyers. The other proposal approved by the President gives priority to pregnant women and postpartum women in the renewal of the Bolsa Atleta program and guarantees the regular receipt of monthly benefits until the resumption of sports activities.

"We will only end inequality on the day when human beings acquire the right to be outraged. Our government will enforce the law. Business owners who fail to comply will have to face Brazilian legislation", said Lula at the Brasília Air Base (DF).

Gender pay gap is prohibited by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), but in practice, the legal requirement is not fulfilled. According to the government-approved project, in cases of gender, race, or ethnicity discrimination, the employer must pay a fine equivalent to the owed wage difference and 10 times the value of the new salary. The fine doubles in case of repeat offenses.

Previously, the punishment was limited to 50% of the maximum limit of benefits from the General Social Security System, in addition to the payment of owed wage differences. Companies with over 100 employees will also be required to publish semi-annual reports on salary and remuneration transparency.

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