Lula: "July 2nd in Bahia was the main stage of Brazilian independence"

The President classified Salvador as the "temporary capital" of the country

(Foto: Ricardo Stuckert)

247 – President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) stated on Sunday (July 2), during a popular parade celebrating the Bicentennial of Brazil's Independence in Bahia, that the city of Salvador becomes today the "temporary capital" of the country. Emphasizing July 2nd as "a crucial stage of Brazilian autonomy," the President highlighted that on this date, "we must understand that Salvador becomes the temporary capital due to the manifestation and exuberance of the people of Bahia."

"We remember that Dom Pedro proclaimed independence or death, but it was the people of Bahia who fought and died to achieve independence," said Lula, who arrived in the state capital this morning to participate in the celebrations. The President took part in the traditional July 2nd parade alongside the state governor, Jerônimo Rodrigues (PT), and the first lady, Rosângela Silva, also known as Janja.

During the procession, the public showed support for the President and celebrated Jair Bolsonaro's (PL) ineligibility. "Ineligible," they chanted in various parts of the route. In another part of the parade, the President stated that the country has "regained its joy."

The people of Bahia celebrate on July 2nd the Independence of Brazil in Bahia. The date marks the definitive expulsion of the Portuguese. On the dawn of July 2nd, 1823, the city of Salvador woke up nearly empty: the Portuguese army definitively abandoned the province of Bahia.

The date became a milestone in celebrating the victory of the Brazilians in the war fought in the then province for over 17 months (from February 1822 to July 1823) against the Portuguese troops. With the triumph of the Brazilian Army and Navy in Bahia, the political separation of Brazil from Portugal was consolidated.

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