"It is in nobody's interest to have a weakened Russia," says Celso Amorim

The special advisor to President Lula expressed Brazil's interest in seeing the situation in Russia return to normalcy

Celso Amorim
Celso Amorim (Foto: REUTERS/Adriano Machado)

247 - The special advisor to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Celso Amorim, stated that it is in nobody's interest to have a "weakened" Russia, following the mutiny by Wagner Group, which was resolved on Saturday (24) through an agreement mediated by the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko. Amorim also expressed Brazil's interest in seeing the situation in Russia return to normalcy.

"We don't know yet how it will unfold, but it is evident that we have every interest in it returning to normalcy. I believe that a weakened... Russia is not in anyone's interest. I think it will return to normal," said the special advisor to journalists at the Itamaraty Palace on Monday (26).

The head of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, ordered his men to return to their bases after talking to Lukashenko. The armed uprising against the country's military command involved the advance of the Wagner Group in a convoy towards Moscow.

The Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry S. Peskov, stated that the criminal investigation opened against Prigozhin regarding the mutiny would be closed. However, on Monday, the Office of the Prosecutor General stated to the Sputnik news agency that the criminal process related to incitement to armed rebellion against the head of the Wagner Group is still ongoing.

On Sunday (25), the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that China expressed support for the actions of the Russian leadership to stabilize the situation in the country. Additionally, China reaffirmed its interest in strengthening unity and promoting greater prosperity in Russia.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, said on Monday that Washington was not involved in the events. "We had nothing to do with it; it was part of an internal struggle within the Russian system," Biden said during a press conference. "No matter what happens in Russia, we, the United States, will continue to support the defense of Ukraine and its sovereignty and territorial integrity."

The NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, stated on Monday that the alliance is closely monitoring the situation in Russia and is prepared to act swiftly in response to the attempted armed mutiny by the Wagner Group. "First of all, I think it's a bit early to say exactly because things can still evolve. Secondly, of course, we are monitoring very closely, and we can respond quickly if necessary," he said during a joint press conference with Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda and German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius in Lithuania.

The paramilitary organization Wagner Group occupied a Russian army headquarters in the city of Rostov-on-Don, in the south, on the night of Friday (23). Prior to that, Prigozhin accused the Russian Ministry of Defense of attacking the group's military camps. The Russian Ministry of Defense rejected the accusation, while the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia opened a criminal case against Prigozhin for organizing an armed mutiny. Prigozhin stated that Wagner Group forces were heading towards Moscow. 

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