In Colombia, Lula outlines a vision for the sustainable economy of the Amazon

The president also praised indigenous peoples, women, and environmental advocates for their tireless work in defending the environment

Letícia, Colômbia 8/7/23
Letícia, Colômbia 8/7/23 (Foto: Cláudio Kbene/PR)

247 - President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva delivered a speech on Saturday (8) discussing his vision for the sustainable development of the Amazon, highlighting the region's significance as a hub for regional integration. The speech took place during the Technical-Scientific Meeting of the Amazon, held in Leticia, Colombia.

According to Lula, the meeting focused on discussing the protection of indigenous peoples, promoting innovation, the economy, and combating transnational crimes. Lula emphasized that Amazonian countries face two major challenges: an institutional challenge related to strengthening the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) and a political challenge that requires a new vision of sustainable development for the region.

The Amazon Cooperation Treaty, which celebrated its 45th anniversary, was an initiative to protect the region from external pressures. Over the years, it has evolved into the creation of ACTO, which brings together eight countries and stands out as the only socio-environmental organization in the world. Lula highlighted the importance of this organization in addressing the most urgent challenge of our time: climate change, and called for greater attention and investment in ACTO.

The president proposed using resources from development banks, as well as public and private funds, to promote family farming, artisanal fishing, agroforestry projects, and the network of women's entrepreneurship. Additionally, Lula mentioned that the Belém Summit will serve as a platform for Amazonian countries to seek leadership in finding solutions.

Lula also emphasized that deforestation in the Amazon has decreased by 33.6% in the first quarter of 2023 and reaffirmed his commitment to zero deforestation by 2030. He called on Amazonian countries to make this commitment during the Belém COP in 2025.

Regarding combating crime, Lula announced the creation of an international police cooperation center in Manaus. He praised indigenous peoples, women, and environmental advocates for their tireless work in defending the environment and criticized the history of violence they have faced.

Lula also criticized the lack of representation in international financing mechanisms, such as the Global Environment Facility, which was created in the World Bank. According to him, these institutions reproduce the exclusionary logic of the Bretton Woods institutions, which historically have benefited the interests of more developed nations at the expense of developing countries. Lula emphasized the importance of promoting greater participation and influence of Amazonian countries and other developing nations in defining policies and accessing financial resources for environmental preservation and sustainable development.

Lula emphasized in his speech the need to ensure a dignified quality of life for the inhabitants of the Amazon, understanding that it is not just an ecological sanctuary. He highlighted that the development of the Amazon should encompass economic, social, and environmental aspects, striving for a balance between environmental preservation and socioeconomic progress.

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