Economic agenda interests the country and should not be contaminated by political disputes, says Arthur Lira

"The votes, of course, are inherent to each parliamentarian. I just hope that the atmosphere remains as a project of national interest," he said

Arthur Lira
Arthur Lira (Foto: Marina Ramos/Câmara dos Deputados)

BRASÍLIA (Reuters) – The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), defended on Monday that the economic agenda of the week - which includes tax reform, the Carf project, and the new fiscal framework - should not be contaminated by political disputes.

Lira announced that the week is reserved for the analysis of these proposals and mentioned the decision of the House's Board of Directors to suspend the functioning of all committees so that lawmakers can focus on these issues.

"The votes, of course, are inherent to each parliamentarian. I just hope that the atmosphere remains as a project of national interest and not just the government's interest, so that this subject does not turn into any kind of battle between the government and the opposition," said the President of the Chamber to journalists.

Regarding tax reform specifically, the congressman took the opportunity to make it clear that both the rapporteur of the proposal, Aguinaldo Ribeiro (PP-PB), and the extraordinary secretary for tax reform, Bernard Appy, are available, and that there are no problems in changing the text of the reform if it results in more favorable votes.

Lira stated that several conversations are still expected to take place throughout the week, including with governors, who will arrive in Brasília to discuss the matter.

Governors and delegations from eight states are scheduled to meet on Tuesday night in Brasília to discuss the proposal, including the governor of São Paulo, Tarcisio de Freitas.

The goal is to reach a text "without passion" and vote on it later this week, said Lira. "All efforts are being made for this."

When asked about the exact dates for voting on the economic matters scheduled for this week, Lira avoided providing details and stated that leaders are still collecting the vote count from their delegations in order to have a general assessment of the quorum for the proposals. However, he stated that the project that reinstates the casting vote in the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals (Carf) still needs negotiation and will not be voted on on Monday.

The rapporteur of the measure, Deputy Beto Pereira (PSDB-MS), presented his report late on Monday afternoon and still needs to gather feedback from colleagues regarding the text.

One of the changes proposed by the congressman in the project concerns the possibility of voluntary disclosure of debts to the tax authority, allowing for a payment plan for what is owed and has not yet been recorded. The suggestion came from Deputy Baleia Rossi (MDB-SP). Pereira denies that the innovation implies a refinancing.

"We did not include any refinancing within the project," he told journalists.

In defending his text, the rapporteur also stated that he did not treat the proposal as "a measure with financial impact," but as "a necessary state policy for there to be a balance in decisions between the tax authority and the taxpayer."

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