"Democracy is a relative concept," says Lula about Venezuela

President Lula commented on his relationship with the President of Venezuela, a country he praised for "having more elections than Brazil"

Nicolás Maduro, Lula
Nicolás Maduro, Lula (Foto: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil)

247 - President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva granted an interview to Rádio Gaúcha on Thursday (29), in which he commented on the political situation in Venezuela, governed by President Nicolás Maduro, whom Lula met in Brasília last month.

According to the Brazilian head of state, Venezuela holds more elections than countries considered democratic, including Brazil itself. He stated that democracy is a "relative" concept that depends on each person's worldview. "Venezuela has more elections than Brazil. The concept of democracy is relative for you and me. I like democracy because it allowed me to become President of the Republic for the third time, and that's why I like democracy and exercise it to its fullest," said Lula.

Lula also condemned, without directly mentioning any responsible party, foreign interference in Venezuela, which led to the attempted coup led by former parliamentary president Juan Guaidó in 2019. The United States actively supported the opposition forces in Caracas.

"What is not correct is the interference of one country in another country. What the world did in trying to elect (Juan) Guaidó as the president of Venezuela, a citizen who had not been elected, is not right. If this becomes a trend, there will no longer be guarantees for democracy and guarantees for people's mandates," said Lula. "If anyone wants to defeat Maduro, do it in the upcoming elections. There will be elections, defeat him and assume power. Let's go and oversee it, and if there is no honest election, we can talk about it," he added.

In January 2019, Venezuela plunged into a political crisis when Guaidó declared himself interim president in an attempt to overthrow the reelected President Nicolás Maduro from power. The United States and most Western countries endorsed Guaidó and imposed crippling sanctions on Venezuela. The restrictions specifically targeted the country's oil and financial sectors. As a result, a total of $5.5 billion in Venezuelan assets were frozen in international banks. Russia, China, Turkey, and several other nations supported Maduro.

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