Chance of Bolsonaro reversing ineligibility in the Supreme Court is 'null,' say ministers

With the conviction by the TSE (Superior Electoral Court) already considered certain, Bolsonaro's defense is preparing to appeal to the Supreme Court

Fachada do TSE e Jair Bolsonaro
Fachada do TSE e Jair Bolsonaro (Foto: Roque de Sá/Agência Senado | REUTERS/Adriano Machado)

247 - Faced with the imminent defeat in the trial at the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), which could render Jair Bolsonaro (PL) ineligible for the next eight years, the legal team of the former president has already outlined their next step and intends to file an appeal with the Supreme Electoral Court (STF). However, the ministers of the Court assess that the chances of reversing the ineligibility, if the TSE ratifies this decision, are virtually nonexistent.

According to journalist Bela Megale's column in O Globo newspaper, one of the main arguments of the judges is that the STF generally does not overturn decisions made by the TSE. Additionally, the majority of the members of the Supreme Court tend to follow the understanding of the electoral court.

Out of the seven members of the TSE, Justices Alexandre de Moraes, Cármen Lúcia, and Kassio Nunes Marques also belong to the Supreme Court. The expectation is that Moraes and Cármen Lúcia will vote against Bolsonaro, while the latter is expected to position himself in favor of the former president.

According to the report, among the Supreme Court justices, there is also the conviction that the likely conviction and loss of political rights of Bolsonaro will not affect the image of the court. It is believed that Bolsonaro's ineligibility is already "priced in" by his supporters.

On Tuesday night (27), the Chief Justice of the Electoral Court, Minister Benedito Gonçalves, voted for Bolsonaro's ineligibility. The other judges of the TSE will cast their votes in the next session, scheduled for Thursday morning (29).

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