By a vote of 5 to 2, Superior Electoral Court declares Bolsonaro ineligible for eight years

Jair Bolsonaro was convicted of abuse of political power and misuse of communication channels

(Foto: Alejandro Zambrana/Secom/TSE)

247 - The Superior Electoral Court decided on Friday (30) to condemn Jair Bolsonaro (PL) for abuse of political power and misuse of communication channels. The former president is now ineligible for eight years and therefore cannot run for elections until 2030.

Bolsonaro was convicted for a meeting he called as president with foreign ambassadors at the Palácio da Alvorada in July 2022. During the meeting, false information about the Brazilian voting system and electronic voting machines was disseminated. The entire event was broadcasted on TV Brasil.

In his vote, the rapporteur of the case, Minister Benedito Gonçalves, highlighted the seriousness of the accusations against Bolsonaro, who, according to Gonçalves, used his position and the structure of the Presidency to spread fake news, attack the TSE, mobilize his supporters, and promote his candidacy for reelection.

The minister stated that Bolsonaro propagated "heinous lies" about the TSE, made veiled threats, and used the Armed Forces as a tool to attack the court, characterizing behavior that he described as a "dangerous flirtation with coup tendencies."

According to Gonçalves, the evidence presented during the process clearly and convincingly demonstrated Bolsonaro's guilt. Therefore, the minister voted for the conviction - he exempted the then vice-presidential candidate of Bolsonaro's ticket, General Walter Braga Netto, from any responsibility.

The rapporteur's vote was supported by ministers Floriano de Azevedo Marques, André Ramos Tavares, Cármen Lúcia, and Alexandre de Moraes. Raul Araújo and Nunes Marques dissented.

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