"Bolsonaro is isolated," says president of the Republicanos after conflict involving Tarcísio

Marcos Pereira criticized Bolsonaro's fights and stated that the former occupant of the Palácio do Planalto does not have appropriate behavior

(Foto: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil)

247 - After the disagreement between Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and the governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicanos), regarding the Tax Reform, during the PL meeting, the president of the Republicanos, Marcos Pereira, intensified his criticisms of the former occupant of the Palácio do Planalto, whom he had supported in the attempt for re-election. Pereira, who is a federal deputy from São Paulo, characterized Bolsonaro as an extremist leader and stated that he is facing political isolation due to inappropriate behavior.

"The events of today (Thursday) do not isolate Bolsonaro, because he has already isolated himself and has been isolating himself due to his own behavior. He handed the election to Lula because of his behavior. He isolates himself when he starts to fight with the Judiciary, when at the beginning of his government he fights with the Parliament, when he is against the vaccine," said Pereira to O Globo newspaper. Pereira voted in favor of the reform, which was approved in two rounds.

During the meeting, Bolsonaro suggested to those present that he could try to delay the vote in order to include the proposed changes by the PL directly in the body of the proposal, instead of seeking to do so through amendments. At another moment, Bolsonaro mentioned a series of politicians who won past elections fueled by his political strength, such as former ministers and now senators Rogério Marinho (PL-RN) and Jorge Seif (PL-SC). He also mentioned the case of the former minister and current governor of São Paulo. "Who was Tarcísio? Tarcísio didn't want to be a candidate," he said, mentioning that it was him who convinced him. Despite Bolsonaro's efforts, 20 PL deputies voted in favor of the approval of the reform, while 75 opposed it.

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