Bolsonaro has already lost, either by 5 to 2 or 6 to 1

There is only one vote missing to confirm his ineligibility, but it is obvious that Carmen Lúcia and Alexandre de Moraes will support the rapporteur


Alex Solnik (247) - As it was written in the stars, in the seashells, and in the betting markets, ministers Floriano Marques and André Tavares followed the vote of the rapporteur Benedito Gonçalves, forming a score of 3 to 1 in favor of Jair Bolsonaro's ineligibility for eight years when the session was suspended by President Alexandre de Moraes.

The trial will continue tomorrow starting at noon, with votes, in order, from Carmen Lucia, Kássio Nunes, and Alexandre de Moraes.

There is only one vote missing to confirm the ineligibility, but it is evident that Carmen Lúcia and Alexandre de Moraes will follow the rapporteur and their colleagues Floriano Marques and André Tavares.

The result will be, in the most favorable scenario for the defendant, 5 to 2, and in the least favorable scenario, 6 to 1.

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