Bolsonaro family took friends, pastors, and even a dog on FAB planes

Out of 54 trips taken by Michelle Bolsonaro, 33 had a vague purpose with no indication of the events she was supposedly attending

Jair Bolsonaro
Jair Bolsonaro (Foto: Reprodução)

247 – The presidential family used Brazilian Air Force (FAB) planes to attend private events such as religious services and to transport friends, relatives, pastors, and even a pet dog. More than 70 family trips were mapped out, all of them without Jair Bolsonaro (PL) on board. There were 54 flights by then-first lady Michelle Bolsonaro, 10 by councilman Carlos Bolsonaro, the president's second son, and 7 by Jair Renan Bolsonaro, the fourth son. Out of Michelle's 50-plus trips, 33 had a vague purpose with no indication of the events she was supposedly attending. In those cases, the documents stated that the aircraft were taking off "in support" of Michelle or were "at the disposal" of Jair Bolsonaro for missions involving the first lady. This information was published in the Metrópoles newspaper.

There were at least three recorded trips with this purpose, without any other official event with public disclosure justifying the first lady's travel. She requested FAB jets to fly from Brasília to Rio de Janeiro, where she liked to attend services at an evangelical church in Barra da Tijuca, in the western zone of the city. In August of last year, Michelle used an FAB plane to participate in a celebration in honor of Pastor Márcio Roberto Vieira Valadão in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. He is the father of Pastor André Valadão.

One of the family's dogs was transported on one of the jets: Beretta, the mutt owned by federal deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP). The name of the dog pays homage to the famous Italian firearms manufacturer. Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Cid, Bolsonaro's aide-de-camp, issued the order. The military personnel who received the mission recorded in the Institutional Security Office (GSI) group chat that "the beast Beretta" - that's how they refer to the dog - needed to be included on the Rio to Brasília route.

Another person who accompanied the family was makeup artist Pablo Agustin during a visit to the Hospital de Amor de Barretos, a cancer treatment center, on October 25, 2019.

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