Bloomberg already considers Galípolo as the future president of the Central Bank

Approved by the Senate as director of monetary policy, he is expected to succeed Roberto Campos Neto

Gabriel Galípolo
Gabriel Galípolo (Foto: Fabio Rodrigues-Pozzebom/ Agência Brasil)

247 – According to Bloomberg, economist Gabriel Galípolo is already being considered as the future president of the Central Bank of Brazil. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has nominated Galípolo to lead the institution, despite his strong criticisms against the organization since taking office in January. On Tuesday, the Brazilian Senate approved the appointments of Galípolo and Ailton Aquino to serve on the bank's board of directors, giving them influence over the basic interest rate, which remains at 13.75%, the highest in six years.

Galípolo's appointment, a longtime ally of Lula, as the president of the Central Bank is seen as a measure to align monetary policy with the president's views. Lula has been a staunch critic of the economic policies adopted by the institution, particularly regarding the high interest rate, which he believes hampers economic growth and increases inequality.

Bloomberg is already considering Galípolo as the future president of the Central Bank, indicating that his appointment is imminent. If Gabriel Galípolo's nomination is confirmed, he will play a crucial role in shaping the country's monetary policies in the coming years. His leadership at the Central Bank will have a significant impact on the Brazilian economy, and it is expected that his decisions will reflect the views and guidelines of President Lula. We will have to wait and see how Galípolo's appointment to the presidency of the Central Bank will influence Brazil's economy and future prospects.

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