"At the outset, Bolsa Família will lift 18.5 million families out of extreme poverty," says Wellington Dias

The Minister spoke exclusively to TV 247

Wellington Dias
Wellington Dias (Foto: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil)

247 - Wellington Dias, Minister of Development, Social Assistance, Family, and Hunger Combat, granted an exclusive interview to TV 247 where he explained the functioning model of the new Bolsa Família, reinstated by the Lula government after the inefficient Auxílio Brasil under Jair Bolsonaro's administration. Dias stated that Auxílio Brasil was based on social injustice by indiscriminately granting a benefit of 600 reais. Now, the calculation is based on the per capita value and the objectives defined by President Lula: to remove Brazil from the Hunger Map, reduce poverty, and particularly lift Brazilians out of extreme poverty.

According to the minister, the system will initially lift 18.5 million families out of extreme poverty. "Bolsa Família, at the outset, will already bring 18.5 million families above the extreme poverty threshold, above 218 reais per capita. Out of the 21.2 million families, 18.5 million will already start outside, no longer in extreme poverty... It took us 11 years, from 2003 to 2011-2012, with all the effort, to reach this level," said Dias.

He also debunked rumors that the benefit would be taken away from individuals who have formal employment. "When someone has a formal job with the minimum wage, the government assesses it. If there are 6 people in the family, the net income is divided, and if it is less than 218 reais, they continue to receive Bolsa Família in addition to their salary. If the income increases again and surpasses 218 reais, they stay in the program. They receive the higher salary plus half of Bolsa Família. Only when it exceeds 660 reais, which is the upper limit..., then they exit Bolsa Família," he added.

The minister also debunked rumors that the benefit would be taken away from individuals with formal employment. "When someone becomes formally employed with the minimum wage, the government assesses the situation. If there are 6 people in the family, the net income is divided, and if it is below 218 reais, they continue to receive Bolsa Família in addition to their salary. If the income increases again and goes beyond 218 reais, they do not leave the program. They receive the higher salary and half of Bolsa Família. Only when it exceeds 660 reais, which is the upper limit..., then they exit Bolsa Família," he added.

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