Army inspected less than 3% of shooters in 2022, the last year of the Bolsonaro government

Brazil has nearly 800,000 shooters registered, but inspections reached just over 21,000 individuals registered as hunters and collectors of firearms

(Foto: Reuters)

247 - A survey conducted by GloboNews revealed that less than 3% of the so-called CACs (collectors, sport shooters, and hunters) were inspected by the Army in 2022, the last year of Jair Bolsonaro's (PL) government. CACs are one of the main bases of Bolsonarism in Brazil.

According to the report, the number of registered CACs in 2019 reached 167,390 people, with only 11,574 undergoing inspections carried out by the Army, which corresponds to approximately 7%.

However, during Jair Bolsonaro's term, this number increased to 792,511, while the Army inspected just over 21,000 people during that period, totaling 2.7%.

During his time in office, Bolsonaro relaxed access to firearms and ammunition for civilians as a way to consolidate this electorate within his support base. Each individual can possess up to two registrations as a Hunter, Shooter, or Collector, with a maximum limit of 60 weapons per person.

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